Page last updated 16th November 2015 |
RAF Officer Uniform Buyer's Guide Many RAF re-enactors are of more mature years, and yet most proudly sport pilot's wings. Whilst some 'experts' will undoubtedly decry this on the basis of the re-enactor's apparent age, it should be borne in mind that many RAF staff and administrative officers had already served in 'the first lot' and had earned their wings some twenty-odd years earlier. The wearing of pilot's wings didn't automatically indicate that the wearer was an operational pilot, simply that they had qualified as one at some stage of their RFC/RAF career. However, any re-enactor fitting into this age category should consider that they would also undoubtedly have been wearing WW1 medal ribbons. The only plausible explanation for not wearing the appropriate ribbons would be in the case of a man who enlisted in the RAF and passed-out as a pilot in the immediate post-WW1 period. Given that the typical age for a trainee RAF pilot in 1919 was about 21-26 years, he would still only be in his forties in 1940. However, a 26-year-old serving army officer may have volunteered for the RFC in 1914, subsequently qualified as a pilot, served throughout the Great War and then continued his service in the newly-formed RAF during the inter-war period. This would make his approximate age in 1940 around 52 years. An officer with this kind of service history would definitely have worn two, if not all three, of the standard trilogy of Great War medal ribbons during WW2.
Service Dress | ||
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Some uniformity of colour was achieved when the RAF first adopted army-style battledress (known by the RAF as War Service Dress) in 1940 for aircrew, and later in 1943 for all ranks and trades. That said, by the end of the war colour variations existed even with War Service Dress. At lower left is a photo of Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham and AVM Harry Broadhurst of 2nd Tactical Air Force in Holland in early 1945. The difference in their uniform colours is quite apparent, also as compared with the other RAF officers walking behind them. The problems in obtaining original 1940s-period service dress (SD) or battledress uniforms are three-fold: condition (items are often moth-eaten), size (1940s-era men tended to be slimmer-built than modern day re-enactors) and price (blame it on ebay!). Post-war RAF uniforms are plentiful, relatively inexpensive and sizing is more suited to the modern shape, but there are colour and styling issues here. Rather than go into detail about this I thoroughly recommend reading Graham Corner's excellent article, A Beginner's Guide to RAF Uniform (see link on this website's home page), where he covers these points. The other route to take is that of modern reproductions of original period uniforms. There are several specialist manufacturers and retailers, including Warhorse and Reproductions of History and What Price Glory, who carry a variety of reproduction RAF clothing. There is another UK supplier, The History Bunker, that advertises a tailor-made RAF officer's SD uniform package, complete with SD cap, at a fairly reasonable price. However, I must issue a caution about this. From personal experience I can tell you that, although these uniforms are very well-made, they are really an upmarket fancy-dress costume rather than an authentic re-enactor's uniform. The colour and material are not quite right, and some of the styling details are just plain wrong. The waist-belt is held in place by belt hooks rather than being sewn to the back of the tunic, and the buttons supplied are just plain brass rather than RAF King's Crown pattern. The pilot's wings are of poor quality and not at all authentic. The one acceptable item is their SD cap which is really well-made and complete with a nice bullion King's Crown cap-badge, although its peak is incorrect (see below for an explanation). It's also unfortunately unlikely that the colour would match an SD uniform from another supplier. This is all a great shame because the suppliers are really nice people to deal with, and they gave me a refund without question. If they addressed the problems that I have described, this uniform package would definitely be worth considering.
More recently,
Soldier Of Fortune have begun stocking a whole range of
uniform packages, including one for an RAF officer which includes the
SD tunic and trousers. The uniform is of a reasonably authentic shade of
blue-grey barathea and the styling is quite accurate. The tunic has
the correct 'bellows' lower pockets, a sewn-on waist belt, and RAF King's
Crown pattern brass buttons secured with split-rings. The trousers are high-waisted and have button flies. Thankfully the pilot's wings are
of a nice authentic pattern. However, on the particular uniform that I
purchased, there were a few problems. The waist belt had been sewn-on
wrongly so that its brass buckle was badly off-centre, the belt was much
too long and its buckle holes were literally six inches out from where they
should have been! Curiously, the tunic was completely unlined. The
trousers had a pair of very strange short straps with buttons sewn to the
waistband at the back, apparently for attaching braces, and the front
braces buttons were way too far apart. In short, the uniform showed all
the classic signs of having been manufactured in India or Pakistan.
Despite all the above comments, this is quite a good replica uniform and at a very
reasonable price. The faults I have described are all quite easily
rectified by a competent seamstress or tailor. In the absence of anything
better, I can happily recommend this uniform package. I strongly suggest
that the optional matching SD cap (see below) be added to your
order. |
Service Cap | ||
The only supplier of which I am currently aware that stocks the 'shovel-bill'-style of SD cap is Soldier Of Fortune. It's a reasonably well-made item of the correct shade of blue-grey barathea and comes complete with a nice bullion King's Crown cap-badge. What Price Glory also stock an RAF officer's SD cap but it's impossible to tell from the photo on their website whether it has the right shape of peak. What is plainly evident from the photo is that this cap suffers from the same problem I have encountered with other WPG caps, that the stiffened band around the circumference of the hat is too tall which results in the cap taking on an exaggerated appearance. Personally, unless and until I find a better alternative, I recommend the service cap from Soldier of Fortune. The colour and material are also a perfect match with their own RAF officer's SD uniform (see above).
The popular alternative to the SD cap was the side-cap.
Soldier Of Fortune stock a well-made example in the
correct shade of blue-grey barrathea nicely lined with velvet. |
Shirt |
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Tie | ||
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Braces | ||
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Shoes | ||
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Insignia | ||
The RAF had very few lapel branch insignias but the commonest seen during WW2 were the 'A' of the RAF Auxiliary Air Force' and the VR' of the RAF Volunteer Reserve. The Auxiliary Air Force (AAF) was formed in 1924 in an effort to prevent the decline of the fledgling RAF which was immediately reduced from 295,000 to 29,000 personnel after the Great War. The AAF was created on a local county basis as a volunteer Home Defence force that would be available to supplement the RAF in time of national crisis. The age limit for officer recruitment was 32 - 50. By September 1939 there were 20 AAF squadrons in existence. The Volunteer Reserve (VR) was founded in 1936 to supplement and be more integrated with the regular RAF. AAF officers serving as part of the RAF during WW2 tended to be somewhat older than their RAFVR counterparts. The 'A' Auxiliary Air Force lapel badges are available from E.C.Snaith. The 'VR' Volunteer Reserve lapel badges are a bit harder to source but originals and reproductions do turn up on ebay from time to time. Do not be tempted to buy the more common 'VR over T' insignia as these were only worn post-war by RAFVR officers employed as instructors to the Air Training Corps, the 'T' standing for 'Training'.
Medal Ribbons | ||
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Rank Braid | ||
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There are a number of
online sources for RAF rank braid, including ebay, but one excellent
retailer is
Monty's Locker which specialises in authentic reproduction
British Forces badges and insignia of the WW2 period |
Accessories | ||
RAF blue-grey steel helmets are not quite so easy to find (I had to source mine from a dealer in Holland!) but standard Army-issue green helmets are fairly common and much cheaper. Soldier Of Fortune stock reconditioned Army helmets with new liners and chinstraps at a not-unreasonable price - simply discard the camouflage net and re-spray the helmet shell in RAF blue-grey. Alternatively, acquire a cheap helmet shell and recondition and re-spray it as per Graham Corner's excellent DIY article, RAF Steel Helmet Restoration, available on this website's homepage. The steel helmet was carried on the outside of the respirator haversack, held in place by the helmet's chinstrap. The combination was carried on the left hip, with the haversack strap either across the chest on the right shoulder or casually slung over the left shoulder. The devil is in the detail, as they say! Why not add this detail, in the form of replica ID cards and other ephemera, to your carefully recreated period ensemble? Soldier Of Fortune carry a small range of such paraphernalia. |